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Bitcoin CAmount について

ソースコードを読んでいて、CAmount ってなんだったっけ? てよくなるので、メモ



#include <stdint.h>

/** Amount in satoshis (Can be negative) */
typedef int64_t CAmount;

// 1BTC = 100000000satoshi
// 1BTC = 1 * COIN
static const CAmount COIN = 100000000; 
static const CAmount CENT = 1000000;   

/** No amount larger than this (in satoshi) is valid.
 * Note that this constant is *not* the total money supply, which in Bitcoin
 * currently happens to be less than 21,000,000 BTC for various reasons, but
 * rather a sanity check. As this sanity check is used by consensus-critical
 * validation code, the exact value of the MAX_MONEY constant is consensus
 * critical; in unusual circumstances like a(nother) overflow bug that allowed
 * for the creation of coins out of thin air modification could lead to a fork.
 * */

// 発行量 の最大量 
static const CAmount MAX_MONEY = 21000000 * COIN;
//  0 <= 発行量 <= MAX_MONEY
inline bool MoneyRange(const CAmount& nValue) { return (nValue >= 0 && nValue <= MAX_MONEY); }


CAmount は int_64_t です。


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